The title came from lyrics of my favorite band.
of a place on my blog.
I liked this man's concentration while taking pictures of his travel compainions with his classy camera, and also the eerie backdrop.
Wildlife: "Ohh Sheep Time"
Lindsey and I went on a mission to find the sheep we heard so much about down along the Aln River. We trudged through the soggy grass while carefully watching our steps, but they were not too keen on getting their pictures taken and kept trotting away.
A lonely night view of Alnwick where the car lights illuminate the streets more than the street lights do. I like how the double yellow line on the road leads your eye from the
corner of the picture to where all of the action is taking place.
Experimental: "Alley Way Drop"This scene was amazing in real life. From the front of the alley it looked like the end dropped off, and one was left with a scenic rooftop view of Edinburgh. I 'experimented' with the
color a bit to draw the viewer's eye to the backend of the alley.
Motion: "Stop Looking At Me Swan"
I was excited to see some swans on the Aln River while on my mission to find the sheep. It was a win-win situation, and I was able to catch them in motion on their own search for food.
The title of course came from Billy Madison, one of my favorite movies.
Low Camera Angle: "The Lion Jumped Over The Moon"
A picture of the statue made for a past Duke to thank him for not raising taxes. I love the irony of this story because in the end the Duke actually raised taxes since he thought the people should be able to afford it if they are wasting money on statues. I also liked how the moon was in the sky even though it was nearly 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
High Camera Angle: "Grassy Rooftops" From our great view above, I was suprised to see some rooftops with real growing grass on top of them. It obviously rains enough in this part of the world that there wouldn't be
much upkeep, but it is something I have never seen before.